Thursday, October 1, 2009

Men Are Disgusting?

I’ve heard women complain, time and time again, that men are disgusting. Each time these words exit a female’s mouth, they say it as if they just discovered this. Newsflash ladies, if this thought just recently passed through your mind, then you need to get out more. Don’t pretend to be shocked and surprised every time a guy does something repulsive. Stop your bitching and face the fact that men are the grossest creatures on the face of the earth. Learn to deal with it, or drop the penis and move on to your own team.
Anyway, here are the top four repulsive things that men do, and possibly the the four reasons as to why I wish to remain single.

4. Get your hand out of your pants – I’m not trying to be a bitch here, but let’s face it; when a guy falls asleep with his hand on his junk, he might as well scream, “Hey, I’m a revolting piece of shit!” Okay, maybe I’m being a little too harsh, but to me this is classless, especially when a guy is not in the privacy of his own room. When I was younger, I used to think that there was something magical down there, in a boy’s pants, like some sort of valuable treasure they felt the need to protect. I mean, why else would they keep their hands in their pants all the time? It had to be because something incredible was in there, right? Most of all the males I knew, including the boys at nap time, constantly fiddled around down there. To this day, “the hand down the pants move” is always approached the same way. First the male slowly starts off, making his way below the boxers. Of course, he never looks to see who is watching, or thinks to himself, “This probably isn’t something I should be doing with a group full of people around.” No, that never crosses his mind. Then, he’ll dig around as if he is looking for gold, but soon after, it seems his mission is abandoned. He leaves his hand where it is, forgetting it was ever placed there to begin with. The worst part about this, in my opinion, is when the hand is removed for the penis/balls region, and it wanders freely, touching everything in its path. You better believe that if your nasty, ball sweat, infested hand tries to make its way in my bag of popcorn that I’m going to break it. Not kidding.

3. Peeing in the shower is NOT cool – Standing in your own body waste isn’t exactly a pleasant thought, especially if someone uses the shower after you. At one point I had a boyfriend who ALWAYS peed in the shower. He claimed that once he heard that water, it was nearly impossible to stop from going. Here’s an idea sweetheart, take a piss before you get in the freaking shower. If you have a little slip up, then simply take some Clorox bleach and give it a couple squirts on the shower floor. Isn’t that easy? Well, apparently not since guys cannot seem to grasp this concept. Now that I’m thinking about it, do guys even own Clorox? Here’s what it looks like in case you’ve never seen it before.

2. Why must you yell out the car window? – I’m not sure what guys wish to accomplish by whistling or yelling, “Hey baby!” out your car window. Most women (minus the attention whores) do not feel honored by your random outbursts on the road. Just out of curiosity, what do you predict the outcome of this situation to be? Are you expecting me to turn my car around to retrieve your phone number, or are you just satisfied with the negative attention you are drawing to yourself? Really, I'd like to know.

1. The Aim Game – This one is by far the most repulsive of them all, and the most complained about among women. I, for one, do not enjoy walking into a bathroom and seeing the toilet seat up, with piss all over the seat and floors. I’ve always envied guys because they could stand up while peeing. It's just another one of God's sick jokes, I guess. Not only do us women have to have a period and go through painful child birth, but we also have to sit down while we pee. Now, I know it's hard for guys to think about anyone but themselves, but some of us do not have the luxury of standing up. So please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, get a good hold on your dick and aim it to the center of the toilet bowl. That way I am not inconvenienced with making an effort to squat. If I wanted to do that, I would go camping or something.

Don't forget to wash your hands,